Poetry: Feeling.


Sometimes I feel lonely but I don’t tell you, for fear that you will reduce me to this temporary reality!
I sometimes feel sad, but I do not tell you, for fear that you will inflict on me lessons of morality, those that prescribe that sadness is an emotion to banish and not to live!
I sometimes run out of money, short of affection, short of everything but I do not tell you, for fear that you will take me by surprise and give me by piloting me, like a slave, a being that you will control from now on!
Sometimes I cry and want to be consoled, I do not tell you, for fear that you will keep me under your tutelage even after this empty passage!
Sometimes I feel unspeakable things, sometimes I would like to tell you but I do not dare, for fear of your condemnation!
However, it also happens to me to be happy, to have a lot of fun and when I show it and I tell you, you look for the eel under rock, believing me to feign this happiness!
However, I sometimes entertain myself, to rave about the follies of life and when I show it to you, you call me crazy and you move away from me while discarding this version yet so exciting!
When I talk about it you prevent me or condemn me, which forces me to keep quiet at the moment when I need to confide in me the most!
It sometimes seems to me that you want to listen to my sorrows and not to my prowess, That you want to
save me and not salute my success, That you want to wipe my
tears of sorrow and not those of joy, That you want to be the
saviour friend and not the friend in all circumstances!
Life is made of everything, joys and sorrows, winters and spring! I want you every season so I will give you all the reasons!
Let’s toast to drown the grief, Toast to celebrate success! I promise to reveal myself, promise me to hear all the notes even the most false of my song!

Written by Aliane UMUTONIWASE


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