Even the perfect nature..

Inaudible sounds of nature!
Incredible richness of solitude!
Unfathomable destiny of man!
Death, a tragic experience of being!
Love, the essence of all things!
Happiness, the ideal of existence!
Failure, the school whose master is none other than oneself!
Friendship, the other self!
Dissatisfaction, man’s own!
Admiration, the ideal of love!
Jealousy, the disease of love!
Passion, the illusion of love!
Possession, disguise of a sick love!
Pain, loss, other characteristics common in beings!
The ego, me without consideration of the other.
Empathy, me in the skin of the other!
Consciousness, the tool of man!
Instinct, an instrument of urgency!
Awakening, the other resurrection!
Sleep, the other death parameterized!
Our parents’ parents have learned to fight and act, our parents have learned to apply and react, we have learned to master and respond, our children will learn to filter and correspond! Thus the soul of the world will be corrupted! Humanity will have given way to the machinery of perfection!
The perfectible and singular man will have yielded to the smooth and common image!
The strangeness of technology!
The magic of networks!
The fading of nature, because mastery of the artificial!
Animals will no longer be our closest cousins, we will look more like robots!
Even the perfect nature will have its filter in our imagination!

Written by Aliane UMUTONIWASE.

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